These are our current packages and prices.
Minutes |
Price |
Extra Talk Time |
83 minutes |
$199.99 |
3 Minutes |
53 minutes |
$149.99 |
3 Minutes |
33 minutes |
$99.99 |
3 Minutes |
17 minutes |
$49.99 |
3 Minutes |
11 minutes |
$29.99 |
3 Minutes |
Western Union: You can pay by cash for your Guiding Line® membership using Western Union. It's easy to do and no credit card or checking account required! All you need to do is:
Call Toll Free 1 800 CALL CASH (1 800 238 5772) or visit to find your closest Western Union agent.
Helpful hint: Be sure to speak to an agent if the automatic system can't give you the information that you need! Western Union's are often open 7 days a week and late nights.
Go to your Western Union and fill out the blue and white Quick Collect form using the following information:
Dollar Amount: put the price of the package that you want to buy.
Helpful Hint: Everyone pays a WesternUnion fee when they send money this way. But for our customers, we reimburse your fees by giving you extra minutes.
Pay To: Teligence
Code City: BMI
State: WA
Sender's Account Number With Company: If you already have a Guiding Line membership fill in your 5-digit membership number (e.g. 12345). If you are a new member please fill in "9".
View Sample(PDF)
Wait 15 minutes after the monies are sent. Then call our Toll Free Customer Service 1-800-881-8883 to get your membership number and passcode.
Helpful Hint: When you call, please make sure you have your Western Union Receipt.