These are our current packages and prices.
Minutes |
Price |
Extra Talk Time |
83 minutes |
$199.99 |
3 Minutes |
53 minutes |
$149.99 |
3 Minutes |
33 minutes |
$99.99 |
3 Minutes |
17 minutes |
$49.99 |
3 Minutes |
11 minutes |
$29.99 |
3 Minutes |
MoneyGram: You can pay by cash for your Guiding Line® membership using MoneyGram. It's easy to do and no credit card or checking account required! All you need to do is:
Call Toll Free 1 800 MONEYGRAM (1 800 666 3947) or visit to find your closest MoneyGram agent.
Helpful hint: Be sure to speak to an agent if the automatic system can't give you the information that you need! MoneyGram offices are often open 7 days a week and late into the evening.
Go to your MoneyGram and fill out the Express Payment form using the following information:
Dollar Amount: put the price of the package that you want to buy.
Pay To: Teligence
Receive Code: 1504
State: WA
Account Number: If you already have a Guiding Line membership fill in your 5-digit membership number (e.g. 12345). If you are a new member please fill in "9".
View Sample(PDF)
Helpful Hint: Everyone pays a MoneyGram fee when they send money this way. But for our customers, we reimburse your fees by giving you extra minutes.
Wait 15 minutes after the monies are sent. Then call our Toll Free Customer Service 1-800-881-8883 to get your membership number and passcode.
Helpful Hint: When you call, please make sure you have your MoneyGram Receipt.